Bobbie is a full time artist and art educator, always looking for new inspiration on her extensive travels.  Bobbie was originally drawn to the West Coast with the University of Southern California and promises of  learning from accomplished artists, art and academic scholarships and the LA art scene.  Over a decade later, her art is featured in private collections in London, Florence, Kuwait, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver and more.  She initially gained inspiration working in advertising.  Bobbie was entranced, yet repelled by the glossy images in magazines.  Her blind contour paintings transform sterile, perfect images into whimsical satire.  Bobbie’s latest muse is Botswana, Africa.  Bobbie draws inspiration from her personal travel photography and experience to create a unique mixed media vision.  Landscapes emerge as vistas of local African color and pattern with diverse, exotic oil painted animals.  Bobbie Rich is also exploring the use of glass, depicting people and wildlife in stained glass windows, mosaics and mixed media works.